No If's. Never.
well, maybe if they offered me 72 virgins.
would you be an active witness or even an inactive one if you could change a few things?
for example: let's say the blood issue could be resolved, would you stay?
or if 1914 doctrine was dissolved or the disfellowshipping/ shunning view changed?
No If's. Never.
well, maybe if they offered me 72 virgins.
warning: if you scared of the f word, don't listen to this..
Pope er.. father.. forgive me. I didn't look in the entertainment section.
but I must say you have good taste in posts.
warning: if you scared of the f word, don't listen to this..
If you don't know who Eric Idle is, he is from Monty Python.
According to the Python website ... and if they this song broadcast it, it will cost a quarter of a million dollars.
(shameless bump)
the following was posted on the watchtower observer message board by a first time poster at
it sounds far-fetched to me.
If anyone else finds anything else please post it. I researched a bit and only found this ladies web site -
it seems kooky enough, she thinks the calendar is messed up and it can save your soul... wierd. anyway, i help she gets help or medication.
ok there are so many americans on the map now i had to split you all in half.. valis was kind enough to let me place the maps on his website until i found a new home for them.. photobucket seems to be a good option - at least for now.
so i have uploaded the new maps which have been updated to include everyone who has asked.. so if you were wondering where we are from.
or how close you are to other jwd posters in your area just take a look.
Hey Lady Lee,
Great work. Please add me to the next edition of the map, I am in cali with the rest of the nuts.
having just obtained a new dvd , this got me thinking as to how one may apply the "meaning" of a long and detailed story to almost anything .
if you wanted to, you could see the following "prophetic patterns", quite easily.
frodo and loyal samwise clearly represent the anointed remnant and their faithfull companions, the great crowd as they journey through this earthly existence of this old system(middle earth).
Other correlations exist, you might want to read The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Hobbits.
i am new to the post and looking to meet girls the age of 18-22. i am a college senior in texas and an ms and my local congregation but there is a shortage of nice looking women around here.
maybe i can meet new friends on here.
well, I am not gay, but I might become gay for you since you are an MS.
now i don't know if there is a "god",,but if there was one,, would he get mad like the jehovah in the bible if you slighted him in some way??.
i know many people are afraid to call down evil on jehovah or jesus,,they feel god might hurt them in some way if they take up his name in a less than respectful way.
i personal would not be inclind to view "god" to be like that at all.. if this god made everything in existance he must have intelligence that is vastly greater than ours,,he certainly wouldn't have the same emotions as us,,like fear,,anxiety,etc...they would only get in the way of good clear judgements,,and screw thing up for him just like they do to us sometimes.. to think that this 'god" would get angry at us for blaming him for something and calling him names is rediculous,,example: would you get mad at an earthworm because it didn't like you,,or because he swore at you when you stepped on his nieghborhood ant hill??
hey you never know he might like it
well, depends which god you are talking about the god of the NT or the god of the OT.
The OT god would have smitted your ass with lighting bolts before the words finished leaving your lips.
The NT god would have likely forgived you for saying it beforet the words finished leaving your lips.
in general I don't think he(she, it) would care. and neither would puff the magic dragon.
hemp was always used as a good source to make cloths, ropes, sails, and various other .
products that used the abnormally strong fibers from hemp plants.
make it legal take it out of criminals hands .
Everything I have read states that pot does not kill brain cells. The LD50 for THC is nearly off the charts, you would sooner die from eating raw potates than eating Marijuana. In fact no one has ever died, EVER, from marijuana poisoning. Plenty have died from alchohol poisoning.
i have just returned from spending a week in the company of frenchbabyface, (fbf) and would like to share some basic observation that i feel will enlighten my fellow countrymen and women about a people we, as a culture, actually know very little about.
i do believe the medias of both countries do not show their people an honest and forthright view of the other countries people.
the american media gives us almost no news of france and most of what we do get is not very positive.
Great story, but get to the important stuff... ...tell us about the french women.